(The Blog Formerly Known as "Countdown to 30" and "30 is the New Twenty")

Thursday, January 17, 2008


For once in my life, I am being practical and productive. This year I didn't make my usual crazy creative resolution of finishing my screenplay, selling it, and making it into a movie in 365 days. OK, so maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but I'm not too far off. The past two years, I've set totally unrealistic creative resolutions that were so unattainable. It's like I'm Walter Mitty and I live in some fantasy world. No more. Even though, it's only 17 days into 2008, I feel like I've done more work on my screenplay and my writing than I have in 2007. Wow. I don't know what caused this change of thinking, but it is awesome. This time I think I can actually keep it up. I think this might be the year I finish this sucker. Here's to no more insane creative resolutions.


The Cheap Chick said...

I feel you on this one! I have to keep my creative resolutions to a dull roar, or sink into despair.

Michelle said...

A dull roar is so perfect! I love that! I'll have to keep that in mind when attempting to not go too creatively crazy.