(The Blog Formerly Known as "Countdown to 30" and "30 is the New Twenty")

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Post Office Made Me Go Postal

Today as part of my running errands kick, I stopped at the post office to get some stamps to mail Mother's Day cards. I left empty handed. I couldn't handle the crazy line. It was about half-way back to the door. I probably should've waited, but I just can't handle long lines at the post office. It drives me crazy. I always get stuck with someone in front of me who doesn't have any idea how it works to mail something. Or someone is so indecisive if they want Star Wars stamps or flowers. It's a stamp, just pick one! No one cares. I wonder if the massive line was due to the stamp price increase next week. It has to be. Or mailing Mother's Day presents. I'll have to pick a better time to go back. Maybe I need to practice being patient. Although, it is the place where I freak out and have little patience. It makes me want to go postal. No one wants to see that.

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